Oman wird RO6 Milliarden für Bildung ausgeben

Oman räumt der Entwicklung der Humanressourcen höchste Priorität ein und wird fast RO6 Milliarden in den nächsten fünf Jahren in Bildung investieren. Die Investition betrifft auch den Aufbau neuer Schulen und Berufsschulen sowie Stipendien für die akademische Ausbildung.

Oman to spend RO6 billion on education

Oman, which gives the highest priority to human resources development, will spend nearly RO6 billion on education in the next five years that will involve building many new schools and vocational training colleges and more scholarships for students to pursue higher studies.

The eighth five-year plan (2011-15), launched here on Sunday, also envisages an expenditure of RO2.5 billion on health services, including several new hospitals, health centres and polyclinics. The RO5.9 billion allocated for the education sector is almost 50 per cent more than in the seventh plan, which wound up at the end of last year.

"The plan will strive to achieve full enrolment rates in general education, raising intake of students in higher education institutions with a special focus on specialisations needed in the labour market and improving quality of education," National Economy Minister Ahmed bin Abdulnabi Macki said.

He added it would also aim at bringing down illiteracy levels by 50 per cent and increasing admission of children aged between 3.5 and 5.5 years in pre-school centres by 50 per cent.

Quelle: Khaleej Times Online,, 04.01.2011