Indien: Volkswagen investiert in technische Ausbildung

Der Volkswagen Konzern investiert in Indien in Schulungseinrichtungen, um den Fachkräfte-Bedarf der Händler decken zu können.


Volkswagen invests in technical training programmes


Volkswagen Group is investing in training facilities in India to meet the need for technicians at its dealer outlets.


The group launched its technical training programme (VG-TAP) at Gedee Technical Training Institute. This is the ninth centre to offer the training course in the country. Volkswagen is also starting regional training centres and a central training centre.


Dietmar Hildebrandt, Director, Volkswagen Group Service, Volkswagen Group Sales India Private Limited, told presspersons here after inaugurating the Volkswagen Group Technical Education Programme (VG-TAP India), "We are investing in training because we believe in the growth of the automobile market in India."




The group registered about 10 per cent growth in sales in the first six months of this year in India. It currently had 200 dealers and planned to double it by 2015.


About 50 per cent of it would be for Skoda and Volkswagen. Each dealership required 15 to 20 technicians. Thus, 4,000 technicians would be needed for the new outlets in another three years. More were required for vacancies in the existing dealerships.


A candidate would have to go through four-year training (on an average) to become a master technician.


The three-month VG-TAP programme would have 16 to 20 students in each batch. This would include one month training at the institute and two month training at any of the Volkswagen dealer outlets.


The group had such programmes in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai and Kochi in the southern States.


It had a regional training centre in Chandigarh and planned to have three centres in operation by next month. The group had 20,000 training days this year and would improve it to 35,000 next year.


It also had a central spare part depot in Ahmedabad and proposed to start one in Mumbai.




G.D. Rajkumar, Director of Gedee Technical Training Institute, said that Volkswagen had invested Rs. 50 lakh for the training facility here. The institute hoped to have more engines and gear boxes from the company to help the students have hands on training.

Quelle: THE HINDU,, 09.08.2012