Indien: Bildungsministerium startet Beschäftigungs-Programm

Das indische Bildungsministerium legt ein neues Programm auf, die National Employability Enhancement Mission (NEEM). NEEM soll Studierenden und Berufstätigen beschäftigungsrelevante Weiterbildung ermöglichen. Außerdem soll ein Fond eingerichtet werden, der 100 Einrichtungen in diesem Bereich unterstützt. Der All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) soll das Programm umsetzen.


HRD ministry to launch employability mission


In collaboration with India Inc, the Centre will launch a national mission to provide skill development training to students and professionals in order to enhance their employability and will set up an incubation fund for 100 institutions.

The fund will provide seed money to promote research and innovations of students, Human Resource Development Minister M M Pallam Raju said here at the conclusion of two-day workshop organised byAll India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) jointly with Confederation of Indian Industries to promote industries-academia collaborations for greater national productivity.

The national employability enhancement mission (NEEM) will be implemented through the AICTE.

"The framework will provide a vehicle for companies and entrepreneurs to provide employability skills and internship as value added proposition to student from all fields," Raju said, announcing a slew of initiatives to be taken in education sector.

The ministry will also set up an academia-industry interface council to promote collaboration between them. The council will have representatives from both industry and academia.

Underling the significance of the move, the minister said, "We are seeing that the students who are coming out (of universities and colleges) are not necessarily industry-ready. The industry is spending a lot of resources in re-training them to be industry ready."

Ten institutes with potential to have research parks will be identified on the basis of the current level of academia-industry engagement in the institute and supported by the ministry.

Quelle: Deccan Herald,, 15.04.2013