Indien: IL&FS Education investiert in 50 Modellschulen

Das Unternehmen IL&FS Education and Technology Services Ltd ist vom indischen Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) autorisiert, Schulen in Form eines Public-Private-Partnership Modells zu eröffnen. IL&FS plant jetzt die Investition von 450 Millionen Rupien in 50 Modellschulen.


IL&FS Education to invest Rs.450 cr to open 50 'model schools'


The company has been shortlisted by the HRD ministry to open the schools under the public-private partnership model

IL&FS Education and Technology Services Ltd, an arm of Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Ltd, plans to invest some Rs.450 crore to open 50 so-called model schools in partnership with the government over the next couple of years.

The company has been shortlisted by the ministry of human resource development (MHRD) to open the schools under the public-private partnership (PPP) model. It is one of the private organizations shortlisted.

"On an average, cost per school could be between Rs.8-10 crore, cost of land included. So we are estimating approximately Rs.450 crore of capital investment for 50 model schools," said R.C.M. Reddy, managing director and chief executive of IL&FS Education.

Under the scheme, the government plans to set up 6,000 schools similar to the Kendriya Vidyalayas, or Central Schools. Of these, 2,500 will be set up in partnership with private companies; the rest will be set up by the centre with the support of state governments, targeting economically backward areas.

"Getting land at reasonable rates in desired geographies will be key to the overall financial planning for the schools," Reddy said in an email interview. "The roll-out will of course depend on how MHRD moves in terms of awarding concessions to the PPP partners. We are hopeful that they will not delay in commissioning schools, since this will also impact the cost."

Private entities will procure the land, and design, develop, operate and manage the schools under the PPP model. The government will offer a 25% infrastructure grant and bear the recurring cost of education for students sponsored by it, according to the MHRD.

The planned investment will mark the first big venture of IL&FS in formal education although it already provides vocational skills training and education process outsourcing services.

"From an organizational perspective, the progression towards establishing and managing our own schools under PPP is a very natural progression," Reddy said.

Entering the formal education space is a strategic move for education firms, said Enayet Kabir, associate vice president and head of education practice at consulting firm Technopak Advisors Pvt. Ltd. "Unless you have a presence in the formal sector, you are not considered a serious player. Visibility matters," Kabir said.

The model schools PPP programme was announced by the government as long as four years ago. In the meantime, IL&FS Education and Technology Services tied up with the Orissa government to establish a so-called knowledge resource cluster in Bolangir in the eastern state that will offer both school education from kindergarten to class 12 as well as vocational training.

Quelle: live MINT & The Wall Street Journal,, 07.05.2013