Schleswig-Holstein unterstützt Lettland im Kampf gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit

Bei einem Treffen des lettischen Ministerpräsidenten Valdis Dombrovskis mit Torsten Albig, Ministerpräsident Schleswig-Holstein, bot Albig die Hilfe Deutschlands bei der Bekämpfung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Lettland an, berichtet die lettische Nachrichtenagentur LETA.


Schleswig-Holstein minister-president offers Latvia assistance in solving youth unemployment


Today, Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis (Unity) met with Torsten Albig, minister-president of the German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, who offered Germany's help in solving the problem of youth unemployment, reports LETA.

After today's meeting, Dombrovskis told members of the press that the two sides discussed a wide range of matters, including the priorities of the Latvian education system. The prime minister also emphasized that youth unemployment is not just a problem in Latvia, but in all of Europe, and that Latvia is grateful for Germany's offer of assistance in tackling this problem.

Albig emphasized that Germany has much experience in dealing with youth unemployment matters. ''We need young people to remain and work in this region, so to ensure the stability and growth of the region,'' he said, promising Germany will do everything it can to help Latvia deal with youth unemployment.

During the meeting, Dombrovskis presented Latvia as an attractive place for investments, and emphasized that cooperation between Latvian and German ports should be strengthened. The two sides also discussed Latvia's plans to join the euro-zone next year. ''We are hoping for a positive report from the European Commission and the European Central Bank. Support from eurozone countries like Germany is also very important for us, thus we hope for Germany's support, so that we could join the European single currency,'' Dombrovskis said.

Albig also emphasized that the Baltic sea connects Latvia and Germany more than it separates the two countries, and that it is important to utilize potential in economic cooperation which the Baltic sea offers. ''I am happy that the prime minister has called for more coordination of our activities when representing interests of the the Baltic sea region,'' Albig said.

Also during the meeting, Dombrovskis accepted an invitation from the minister-president of Schleswig-Holstein to attend a music festival later this summer, where several Latvian musicians have also been invited.

Quelle: The Baltic Course,, 07.05.2013