Thailand: Ausbildung muss "Lücken füllen"

Das duale Berufsbildungssystem des Königreichs Thailand muss neu gestaltet werden, um gegen den Mangel an qualifizierten Fachkräften anzugehen.


Educate students 'to fill in the gaps'


The Kingdom's dual vocational education system needs to be redesigned in order to tackle the shortage in skilled labour.

Hence, Education Minister Chaturon Chaisang is calling on the vocational education commission office to enhance its existing system and help solve the shortage of skilled labour in major industries.

Speaking at a brainstorming session on vocational education reform yesterday, he said he wanted the commission to set up a new model for vocational education with the aim of implementing it in the next academic year. He explained that this shift should not result in becoming direct collaborations between vocational institutes and manufacturers, but should instead involve a paradigm change based on the different industry's demands.

He advised the commission to focus on clusters of industry such as travel and tourism, construction, logistics, petrochemical, moulds and auto parts, mechanics, food as well as electrical and electronics. The commission will decide on which institutes will be supplying what in terms of qualifications and quantity.

Each industry cluster and the commission will jointly design a study programme and vocational qualifications, while measures will be revised to attract students.

Meanwhile, the commission is also pushing to initiate the Thailand Professional Qualifications Framework by next year, as it will be relevant to the national education framework.

Quelle: The Nation,, 22.09.2013