Indien: Finanzminister nimmt Steuern für Bildungsanbieter zurück

Der indische Finanzminister nimmt die Steuern für Anbieter beruflicher Aus- und Weiterbildung wieder zurück. Experten warnten nämlich, dass die Steuer das Ziel, 500 Millionen Inder bis 2022 zu schulen, gefährdet.


Service tax on skill development companies rolled back


In a big relief for youth pursuing vocational training courses to land a job, Finance Minister P Chidambaram has rolled back the 12.36% service tax on skill development and training firms imposed in the Finance Bill of 2013-14.

Experts had warned that the service tax introduced this year on all training firms working in tandem with the National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) could jeopardise the government's ambitious goal of training 500 million people by 2022 by raising the effective fees payable by students.

The NSDC, set up by the finance ministry as a public private partnership, has been assigned the task of fostering and funding private sector skill development initiatives to 150 million people.

Quelle: the Economic Times,, 26.09.2013