Indien: Tata-Gruppe will eine Million Jugendliche ausbilden

Indien größte Unternehmensgruppe, die Tata-Gruppe, finalisiert ihre Pläne für ein landesweites Ausbildungsprogramm, bei dem über eine Million junge Menschen in den nächsten zehn Jahren ausgebildet werden sollen. Dafür sollen die Kompetenzen und die Infrastruktur der Tata-Unternehmen genutzt werden.


Tata Group to Strive to Train 1 Million Youth in a Decade


India's largest business group - the Rs 100 billion Tata group - is finalising its plans to launching a nationwide skill building programme that will use the competencies and infrastructure of Tata group companies to train over a million Indian over ten years time.

The programme will be called Strive and cover ten industry and service sectors from automotive, hospitality to BPO and retail.

Confirming the development, a Tata Sons spokesperson said, "We are planning to aggregate the facilities of some Tata companies and partners to build a skill development network. The capacity of the same is yet to be determined".

This Strive initiative will form an important component of the groups corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme. "The group is keen to identify a few scalable initiatives as part of its overall CSR strategy, leveraging the capabilities and competencies of Tata companies, and skills building is likely to be one of them", the spokesman said.

Under Strive, which is a working title as of now, Tata companies will collaborate on a group wide programme wherein youth will be trained on vocational courses and industry relevant knowledge. S Ramadorai, vice chairman of Tata Consultancy Services and Dr Mukund Rajan, brand custodian and chief ethics officer of the group are heading this initiative.

The Tata Review 2013 quotes a senior Tata employee as saying, "A group wide skilling initiative will allow companies to share not just costs but also local community intelligence." Tata group officials say that in this case Tata Steel can help facilitate this valuable exchange of knowledge and skills.

Similarly other Tata companies could offer skills training content developed by fellow group companies using their local infrastructure to deliver these programmes.

In an interview to Tata Review, Dr Mukund Rajan, chairman Tata Council for Community initiatives says that he estimates that some 140 million young people will enter the work force over the next decade. The biggest concern is whether these young people are going to have the right skills, he added.

Rajan says that there is no profit motive in this endeavour. Through this skill building companies will be able to meet their own requirement for skilled labour and can also share their training facilities with other corporate entities and the government.

Sources said that the Tata group would also hand out quality assurance certificates for those who successfully complete the skill building programme under the Tata brand, which will help these individuals find job easily.


Quelle: The Indian Express, 18.12.2013