Indien: Neues Kabinett schafft eigenes Ministerium für Skill Development

Der neue indische Regierungschef Narendra Modi ernennt Sarbananda Sonowal zum Minister of State for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.


Narendra Modi appoints Sarbananda Sonowal minister for skill development, entrepreneurship


Recognizing the importance of skill development and entrepreneurship in the country, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has created a ministry, headed by Sarbananda Sonowal, to take the mandate forward. Sonowal, an MP from the Lakhimpur constituency of Assam, has been made the Minister of State for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (Independent Charge).

While various departments and agencies earlier have been tasked with development of entrepreneurship in the country, this would be the first time a minister has been tasked with the responsibility.

Under the UPA government, the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) did some work around entrepreneurship, while the likes of National Skill Development Agency were involved in skill development. Sam Pitroda as the advisor to Prime Minister on public information infrastructure and innovations was also involved in entrepreneurship development.

By giving a federal ministry for entrepreneurship and skill development, Modi has shown that he is serious about India creating new businesses in an increasingly competitive world.

According to National Skill Development Corporation India (NSDC), a PPP initiative for skill development, we are not producing the number of people with skills for an economy as a whole to grow at a 10-12 per cent growth. According to an NSDC survey of the skills gap, industry at the height of the recession in 2009-2010 said over the next 12 years they need 240 million people just to maintain the current growth rate. The entire education system only produces about 12 million graduates and another 4.3 million people who come out of the education system as skilled people in a year.

These numbers are woefully short for the Modi government to achieve higher growth rate, let alone maintain current levels. There is also a problem when it comes to the quality of people graduating as the industry finds a lot of people who are passing out of the system cannot be employed.

India has a target of skilling / upskilling 500 million people in India by 2022, mainly by fostering private sector initiatives in skill development programmes and providing viability gap funding. Sonowal's immediate mandate would be ensure targets are met and at the same time create an eco-system that eliminates bottlenecks, makes it easier to do business and fosters entrepreneurship.

Quelle: The Economic Times, 27.05.2014