Ausschreibung: Beratung in der beruflichen Bildung für Mosambik

Die KfW sucht Anbieter von Beratungsleistungen für ein Berufsbildungsvorhaben in Mosambik. Die Aktivitäten erstrecken sich voraussichtlich über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren. Der 11. April 2016 ist der Einsendeschluss für Ihre Interessensbekundung.


Consulting Services; Technical and Vocational Education and Training


  • Expression of Interest (EoI)/Prequalification
  • Deadline: Apr 11, 2016
  • Country: Mozambique


"Support to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)" and its Accompanying Measure (optional)


The requested consultancy services for the implementation of the Project comprise the following key activities in support of the PIA and are expected to be rendered over a duration of 5 years.


  • All aspects regarding the preparation, implementation and monitoring of agreed Project activities,
  • Elaboration of a Project Manual defining a matrix of delegation of authorities, separation of duties for procurement and financial management as well as further details of the roles, responsibilities and procedures of project implementation during the inception phase of the Project,
  • Management of the selection process of benefitting TVET institutions,
  • Planning, tendering, coordination, supervision and commissioning of construction and rehabilitation works; of required equipment, related trainings and maintenance support,
  • Financial management and monitoring of the Project also including the management of the disposition fund,
  • Project-specific reporting to KfW.


In case of the funding being approved, the requested consultancy services for the Accompanying measure comprise the key activities listed below, in support of benefitting TVET institutions:


  • Conducting tracer-studies at beneficiary institutions,
  • Identification and introduction of approaches to improve the systematic cooperation with the private sector, especially local firms,
  • Identification and introduction of activities to attract and retain female students at TVET institutions over the whole training period (i.a. by reducing drop-out rates) and support in implementing and monitoring these activities,
  • Advisory support for the identification and implementation of relevant revenue-generating activities at benefitting TVET institutions.

Unterlagen Ausschreibung

Die Ausschreibung finden Sie auf der Internetseite von Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI). Für den Preis von 2,50 Euro bekommen Sie den Zugang zu den vollständigen Unterlagen.

Sie finden die Unterlagen hier: Startseite > Trade > Search KfW-Tenders > Consulting Services; Technical and Vocational Education and Training

Quelle: Germany Trade & Invest - GTAI,, 10,03.2016, Pfad: Startseite > Trade > Search KfW-Tenders > Consulting Services