Indien verzeichnet Qualifizierungsbedarf und -mangel

NITI Aayong, das Nationale Institut zur Transformation Indiens (National Institution for Transforming India), ist ein von Premierminister Narenda Modi eingesetzter politischer Think-Tank, der die Planungskommission ersetzt. NITI Aayong überprüft unter anderem den Bedarf Indiens an qualifizierten Arbeitskräften und ermittelt Mängel in der Ausbildung in Indiens Schlüsselsektoren.


NITI Aayog maps skill claim, training gaps


NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) is a Government of India policy think-tank established by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to replace the Planning Commission.

NITI Aayog will provide opportunities, to represent the economic interests of the State Governments and Union Territories of India. It checks the India's requirement for skilled workers and gaps in training in the country in key sectors, beginning with infrastructure areas.

It helps the government plan its initiatives better for reaching its target of skilling 400 million people by 2022. As per data from the 2011 census and 68th round of the National Sample Survey, an estimated 10.4 crore workers will enter the labour market and require skill training by 2022, while 29.8 crore of the existing workforce will require additional skill training during this period.

A senior government official told ET that discussions are on with respective sector skill councils to map the requirement of skilled workforce in these areas over the next seven years as well as identify new skills that will be required in the sectors.

The mapping exercise of all key sectors is likely to be completed in the next six months. "We have started with telecom and energy, but going forward we will also cover the 22 sectors identified by the government under the Make in India initiative," the official said, requesting not to be named.

The ministry of skill development and entrepreneurship is partnering the Aayog in this initiative, he said. The Union government had allocated about Rs 5,040 crore for skill development across ministries in the previous budget and the amount is likely to be raised in the budget for 2016-17 in view of the robust targets set under the programme. The skills ministry has already outlined some 6,700 qualifications and 1,500 job roles.

Quelle: The Siasat Daily,, 24.02.2016