Ägypten zur Reform des Bildungswesens

In Ägypten soll ein Beirat die berufliche Bildung reformieren. In einer Sitzung mit dem ägyptischen Bildungsminister ging es um die wichtigsten Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten zur Änderung der bestehenden Strategie.

Egypt's Education Minister holds first Advisory Council meeting for developing technical education

The meeting aimed to establish an advisory council to support the technical education reform strategy. It also discussed the main challenges of developing the technical education system and ways to modify the existing strategy.

Minister of Education Tarek Shawky headed on Monday the first meeting of the Advisory Council for the Development of Technical Education.

The meeting aimed to establish an advisory council to support the technical education reform strategy. It also discussed the main challenges of developing the technical education system and ways to modify the existing strategy.

Furthermore, the development of commercial education was one of the most important challenges that the ministry presented to the council in order to develop a system for graduating business pioneers.

Shawky also reviewed the most important features of the technical education development and reform strategy in addition to a brief presentation on its importance to achieving Egypt's 2030 Vision.

The meeting was attended by Minister of Planning and Economic Development Hala El-Said, Minister of Trade and Industry Nevin Gamea, and Minister of International Cooperation Rania Al-Mashat, in addition to representatives of the private sector, a number of ambassadors, and heads of Egyptian industrial associations.

The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), the German Development Bank (KfW), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) also participated in the meeting.

The role of the Advisory Council is to ensure the strategic management and implementation of the technical education reform strategy, which aims to upgrade the technical education system to keep pace with the latest international standards and meet the needs of the local, regional, and international labour market for skilled workers.

The development will tackle five pillars: Quality assurance, updating curricula according to a methodology of competencies, raising the capabilities of teachers, engaging private sector business owners in the reform process, and changing the societal view of technical education.

The advisory council institutionalises the reform process through high-level coordination with ministries, key international development partners, and representatives of the private sector.

Quelle: Daily News Egypt, dailynewsegypt.com, 21.02.2022