China: Bildungsministerium führt Ausbildungen in 40 neuen Berufsbildern ein
China hat 40 neue Studiengänge in sein Berufsbildungsverzeichnis aufgenommen. Die Mehrheit der neuen Berufsbilder bezieht sich auf die Realwirtschaft, insbesondere die fortschrittliche Fertigung und die digitale Industrie, wie Präzisionsfertigung für Luft- und Raumfahrtausrüstung oder digitales Modedesign.
Education ministry introduces 40 new vocational majors
China has added 40 new majors to its vocational education directory, marking the largest expansion since the latest revision in 2021, the Ministry of Education said on Thursday.
The new additions include three secondary vocational majors, 20 higher vocational majors and 17 vocational bachelor's degree majors, aiming to meet emerging industry demands and national strategies, the ministry announced.
Over half of the new majors target real economy, particularly advanced manufacturing and digital industries, such as precision manufacturing technology for aerospace equipment and digital fashion design.
Meanwhile, vocational bachelor's programs accounted for nearly 50 percent of the addictions, including nuclear engineering and applications, in an effort to address the need for highly skilled professionals to meet the demands of industrial upgrades.
The directory has seen major revisions every five years and annual updates. According to the ministry, vocational schools can independently establish the new majors and begin enrollment next year.
To meet the demands of modern industrial systems, the ministry has intensified efforts to optimize vocational education. Over the past three years, 85 new majors have been added, bringing the total to 1,434.
Quelle: ChinaDaily,, 12.12.2025