Großbritannien startet mit "UK Skills Partnership" eine Initiative für Bildungsexport

Im Zentrum der Initiative "UK Skills Partnership" steht der Export von beruflicher Bildung in überseeische Regionen.

Das Netzwerk "UK Skills Partnership" besteht aus der Association of Colleges, Universities UK und der "Federation for Industry Sector Skills and Standards".

Weiterhin ankündigt wurde eine neue Beratungskommission am Department for International Trade (DIT) für den Bildungsbereich. Diese wird Führungskräften im Bildungssektor ein Forum bieten, um globale Geschäfts- und Investitionsmöglichkeiten zu erkunden.

Der Kommission werden Vertreter aus den Bereichen Hochschulen, Berufsausbildung, internationale Schulen, Bildungstechnologie, frühkindliche Bildung und Englischunterricht vertreten sein.

Department for International Trade announces new initiatives to support UK education exports

United Kingdom (UK) education providers received a major boost with the announcement of two new initiatives to help the sector operate in overseas markets.

A new Education Advisory Group, run by the Department for International Trade (DIT) and UK Skills Partnership, will help the sector unlock its commercial potential and meet the huge demand for British education around the world.

The UK is already a world-leader in education exports. British higher education (HE) is delivered in all but five countries in the world, and school-level curriculum is the most popular globally, with thousands of schools based upon the British model.
Despite this success, some areas, such as technical and vocational training education (TVET), have not kept pace with the huge potential for growth in overseas markets.

Member organisations of the UK Skills Partnership will now work together to address this and build the UK TVET sector's capacity, reach and engagement in international markets.

Partners will include bodies such as the Association of Colleges, Universities UK and the Federation for Industry Sector Skills and Standards.

At the same time the DIT Education Advisory Group will provide a forum for senior leaders in the education sector to explore global trade and investment opportunities, and discuss how the government can support the UK education sector overseas.

It will consist of key representative bodies covering universities, vocational training organisations, international schools, education technology, early years education and English language training.

Minister for Investment Mark Garnier said:

"The UK is already a world-leader in education exports and this sector will be vital for our future trading relationships. We know the demand is there, and I want to see even more UK education providers exporting their expertise."

"So I'm delighted that we're creating two new platforms to help the sector operate in overseas markets. As an international economic department we will work with the industry to unlock its exporting potential, and create a new generation of young people with a personal connection to Britain."

In 2014 total UK education related exports climbed 18 per cent in 4 years, rising to more than 18 billion pounds.

DIT offers practical help and support to all exporters, whether looking to expand a large operation, or exploring overseas markets for the first time. Earlier this month, DIT took five institutions, including a UK university and colleges, on a two day trade mission to Colombia focussing on HE and professional technical and vocational training focussing in the oil and gas sector.

Latin America offers a range of exciting opportunities in this sector and delegates had the opportunity to take part in networking events and roundtables with key decision makers, universities and TVET institutions, raising the profile of UK excellence in Colombia and the wider region.

UK announces new body to promote VET & skills sector

The United Kongdom (UK) has launched a new UK Skills Partnership, a collective body that will more actively and strategically promote the UK's technical vocational and training expertise globally.

It was announced by Secretary of State for International Trade, Liam Fox, at an event that saw the further education (FE) and training sector, K-12, English language training and higher ed convene.

Partners of the new UK Skills Partnership will include bodies such as the Association of Colleges, Universities UK and the Federation for Industry Sector Skills and Standards.

"The UK is a world leader in education exports, and anywhere in the world, British education is in demand,"
 said Fox.

But he added, "It could be argued that we have lacked a strategic UK skills offer, to engage in broader based, larger scale programs overseas. I think it's a fair criticism."

He explained the new body will "build our capacity, reach and engagement in international activities, and collective insight on matters relating to vocational skills development in international markets".

Fox also announced a new Department for International Trade (DIT) Education Advisory Group, which will provide a forum for senior leaders in the education sector to explore global trade and investment opportunities.

It will consist of representative bodies covering universities, vocational training, international schools, education technology, early years education and English language training.

Minister for Investment, Mark Garnier, who was also at the launch, added, "I'm delighted that we're creating two new platforms to help the sector operate in overseas markets."

"As an international economic department we will work with the industry to unlock its exporting potential, and create a new generation of young people with a personal connection to Britain."

Fox couldn't let the announcement go by without mentioning Britain's looming new trading position once it leaves the European Union (EU). He commented that this meant "an opportunity to build a new outward-looking Britain" and pledged to "use our influence to open new markets across the world to British businesses".

Geoff Gladding, sector lead at the education team at the DIT, outlined potential markets for "high value campaigns" in the future, while emphasising that his global team listens to stakeholders before deciding which markets to target.

Countries or regions he detailed included Europe, India, Turkey, Egypt, Sri Lanka, East Africa, Australia and the US.

Quellen: Oben: Kooperation international,, 20.10.2017; Mitte: Pressemitteilung der Regierung Großbritanniens, Department for International Trade,, 11.10.2017; Unten: The Pie News - News and business analysis for Professionals in International Education,, 11.10.2017