Implementierung der Ausbildung in baltischen Ländern

Das Qualifizierungs- und Berufsbildungsentwicklungszentrum testet gemeinsam mit der Industrie- und Handelskammer Kaunas (Litauen) und dem Verband der Berufsbildungseinrichtungen sowie den zuständigen lettischen und estnischen Institutionen neue Ansätze in der Ausbildung.

Lithuania: apprenticeship implementation in the Baltic countries

The Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training (VET) Development Centre together with the Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts and the VET schools association, as well as the relevant Latvian and Estonian institutions, are testing new approaches to training VET and workplace tutors for work-based learning (TTT4WBL - 2017-20).

The Erasmus+ joint Baltic project aims to promote the professional development of VET teachers and tutors (experts from the enterprises) in the workplace, foster cooperation and learning among Member States, including at regional level; and strengthen cooperation between VET institutions and social partners.

A series of learning experiences

Under this project, parallel training programmes have been initiated in the three Baltic countries, testing a new work-based learning (WBL) professional development model for apprenticeship tutors. So far, 824 VET teachers and tutors from enterprises have been involved in the testing (312 in Lithuania, 300 in Latvia and 212 in Estonia).

Special emphasis was placed on a need for a common Baltic WBL trainer/tutor competence profile, potentially contributing to more effective exchange of WBL students and trainers in the Baltic region. Programme developers from the three countries visited Finland to learn from existing good practices. Participants gained insight into the importance of their role in preparing programmes, and teaching and guiding learners throughout the completion of an apprenticeship programme.

Dissemination of results and next steps

Social partners from all three Baltic countries were highly involved in the project activities. The Kaunas Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania has been promoting the project to small and medium-sized enterprises (representing the majority of businesses in the labour market) and disseminating the results to its members. The project also developed specific promotional material on the benefits of apprenticeship for all actors involved: employers, students and VET institutions.

Next steps include a wider exchange of each country's respective developments in the field of work-based learning. It was agreed that the Baltic Alliance for Apprenticeships should be promoted and strengthened as a platform for further cooperation. For this purpose it was decided to organise a joint policy meeting involving the ministries and heads of VET institution associations from all three Baltic countries.

An apprenticeship implementation procedure is under development by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport in Lithuania. It anticipates that each company hosting an apprentice should have a trainer responsible for coordination of the apprenticeship and communication with the VET institution. Online learning courses for apprenticeship tutors and a training portal for disseminating information about apprenticeship, guidance materials on quality principles of WBL and apprenticeship are expected to be produced.

Quelle: Cedefop,, 04.07.2019