Kambodscha: Kostenlose Berufsbildung für COVID-19-Arbeitslose

Kambodschanische Arbeitnehmer, die ihren Arbeitsplatz durch COVID-19 verloren haben, können sich für die Teilnahme an einem kostenlosen Berufsbildungs-Programm bewerben.

Free vocational training for unemployed due to C-19

Workers who lost their jobs due to COVID-19 can now apply for a training programme to study professional skills free of charge.

In announcing this on Tuesday, the Ministry of Labour said, the scheme was to give an opportunity for jobless people to learn new skills to become more marketable in the workforce.

Labour Ministry secretary of state Pich Sophorn said the programme consists of a special technical and vocational degree (C1) training course for workers free of charge and those who enroll will receive a bonus of about $50 per month for four months.

Sophorn said the main technical and professional fields included in the programme are: construction, electrical, mechanics, manufacturing, business and information technology as well as tourism where the job market is in high demand now and in the future.

He said currently, there are 12 technical and vocational education and training institutions that are providing the above training, with 3,360 students enrolling last year.

He added that, in 2020, the ministry provided technical and vocational training to more than 70,000 Cambodians in accordance with the health guidelines set by the Ministry of Health during the pandemic.

"In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Labour has been actively involved with the government in ensuring the facilitation of business processes, production, trade and investment. It has also been securing employment for workers by reducing the number of unemployed people to the lowest rate possible and maintaining the living standard of the workers," he said.

So Sopheakna, who lost her job due to COVID-19, said she is interested in signing up for this special training course.

"Currently, I have lots of free time due to not having a job. I want to study this special course because these skill scould help me find another job in the future. And we can study free of charge and get a bonus. It is very helpful training," she said.

According to the Ministry of Labour, since the pandemic began, the government has provided a monthly allowance of $40 to 340,032 garment and tourism workers, totalling $23 million.

It said soft skill training was organised for a total of 66,607 workers from 107 factories.

Quelle: Khmer Times, khmertimeskh.com, 11.02.2021