Lettland und Deutschland erneuern Zusammenarbeit in der Berufsbildung

Im vergangenen Jahr unterzeichneten das lettische und das deutsche Bildungsministerium eine Erklärung zur Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Berufsbildung und lebenslanges Lernen. Die Erklärung unterstreicht die große Bedeutung des Austauschs beider Länder über Strategien, Systeme, Maßnahmen, Modelle, Methoden und Praktiken in der Berufsbildung. Es ist die dritte Erklärung dieser Art seit 2013.

Latvia: renewed collaboration on VET with Germany

In August 2023, the Latvian and German education ministries signed a declaration of cooperation in the fields of vocational education and training (VET) and lifelong learning. The declaration acknowledged the importance of sharing knowledge about VET policies, systems, measures, models, methods, and best practices. It is the third declaration of this kind since 2013.

Both parties have committed to improving exchanges between VET policy-makers, social partners, providers, teachers, learners, and experts. Areas of cooperation include comparative analysis of the VET and lifelong learning systems and structures in both countries, quality assurance measures, requirements and qualifications of teachers and trainers, and engagement of companies in providing work-based learning. The ministries also agreed to share their cooperation results at European level.

The cooperation is supported by the German Baltic Chamber of Commerce that has long been an active promoter of work-based learning developments in Latvia. The National Centre for Education will coordinate activities with VET providers and network stakeholders to ensure a more comprehensive and targeted approach towards excellent and inclusive VET.

Quelle: ReferNet Latvia; Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, cedefop.europa.eu, National news on VET, auf cedefop.europa.eu, 22.04.2024