Malaysia: Aus- und Weiterbilden für die Zukunft

Einer der besten Exporte aus Deutschland ist das System der dualen Berufsausbildung. Das German Dual Vocational Training (GDVT)-Team der Deutsch-Malaysischen Industrie- und Handelskammer (MGCC) hat das System in Malaysia erfolgreich eingeführt. Erfahren Sie alles über ihre Reise und die schwierigen Entscheidungen, die sie getroffen haben, um erfolgreich zu werden.

Lesen Sie dazu einen Artikel aus dem Wirtschaftsmagazin MGCC Perspectives. Der Autor Josef Tschop ist Leiter des GDVT-Teams in Kuala Lumpur.

Upskilling for the future

One of Germany's best exports are its dual vocational training systems. The GDVT (German Dual Vocational Training) team of the Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MGCC) successfully implemented the system in Malaysia. Learn all about their journey and the tough choices they’ve made to become successful.

The first two German Dual Vocational Trainings, in Industrial Management and Logistic Operations Management, coordinated and certified by MGCC and run in line with the Malaysian National Dual Training System, with support from the Department of Skills Development (JPK), started in June 2014.

For three years, the trainees went through 70 percent practical on-the-job training and 30 percent theoretical school learning. From 2014 to 2016, the school training at the German-Malaysian Institute (GMI) was funded by the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu).

On 15 November 2017, the first German Dual Vocational Training (GDVT) trainees graduated from the training. With great pride, 15 young Malaysians received their MGCC/AHK Malaysia certificates and the Malaysian Skills Advanced Diploma. They were cheered by their proud parents, siblings, coaches, mentors and even executive directors and managers from their training companies.

The significance of this event was highlighted by the attendance of Dr Mohd Rashid bin Buyong Hamzah, Deputy Director General of Department of Skills Development, Mr Jens Brinckmann, Counsellor for Economic, Commercial and Environmental Affairs – representing the German Ambassador Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorf, Ngan Cheng Hwa, Deputy Managing Director of Education and Training at German-Malaysian Institute and Thomas Brandt, General Manager of MGCC.

Another important fact for MGCC and GMI is that according to JPK statistics, the 15 graduates are also the first ones receiving a Malaysian Skills Advanced Diploma (DLKM), by going single tier through the National Dual Training System to NOSS Level 5. It is one of MGCC's main objectives to have every potential GDVT programme that we offer run under the NDTS and certified by JPK with a DLKM.

MGCC glad to see that the success of the training also has the concrete benefit for the graduates by getting absorbed as full-time employees by their training companies. 8 out of 10 trainees of Logistic Management are absorbed by their training company. 7 out of 8 trainees of Industrial Management are absorbed by their training company.

By participating in the GDVT, companies can make sure to get a loyal workforce with the right skills for the tasks at hand. The holistic approach of the training ensures that GDVT trainees as full-time staff have a very good understanding of the company's business as a whole.

Besides the initial two trainings in Industrial Management and Logistic Operations Management, another training in Mechatronics was launched – in 2015 at the PSDC (Penang Skills Development Centre) in Penang and 2016 also at GMI (German-Malaysian Institute) in Klang Valley.

Since the launch of GDVT, MGCC has seen an overall increased participation, especially in the technical-based training – from 18 trainees in 2014 to 153 trainees in 2017. Furthermore, MGCC is regularly approached by other companies with inquiries about the possible development of new trainings, such as Electronics for Automation Technology and Precision Machining.

Quelle: Business Malaysia, EU Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry,, gefunden 16.03.2018