Ungarn: Ministerium und Siemens sind Partner für Berufsausbildung

Das ungarische Ministerium für Innovation und Technologie hat mit dem deutschen Ingenieurbüro Siemens eine vierjährige Partnerschaftsvereinbarung zur Einführung eines Pilotprogramms zur Vorbereitung einer Reform des Berufsbildungssystems und zur Einführung der dualen Ausbildung unterzeichnet.

Ministry partners with Siemens for vocational training

Hungary's Ministry for Innovation and Technology has signed a four-year partnership agreement with German engineering firm Siemens to launch a pilot program in preparation for a reform of the vocational training system and the introduction of dual education.

Minister for Innovation and Technology László Palkovics said that the program, running between 2018 and 2022, will include the development of career orientation, the system of admission, training content, student contracts and the vocational training exam system, as well as the training of teachers and instructors in areas related to state-of-the-art industrial processes.

The program will cover 40 schools with 6,400 students and adults, 400 teachers and exam board members, he said, cited by national news agency MTI (Magyar Távirati Iroda).

The experiences gained from the program will be considered in reforming the current Hungarian regulations on vocational training, the minister said. After signing the agreement on the HUF 2 billion project, Siemens will apply for funding from the National Employment Foundation (OFA), Palkovics added.

Siemens Hungary President-CEO Dale A. Martin said industrial development requires a new type of knowledge and the company is proud to be a leader in dual training in Hungary's engineering sector.

Quelle: Budapest Business Journal, bbj.hu, 09.08.2018