News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Celebrating the best of 2017 - let's hear it for the region's best trainees

The "super Trainees" from the 2016/2017 winter examination and the 2017 summer examination received their well-earned recognition at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce's celebration of best trainees.

Investigating career options in the region using the job bus

Company-based training or (dual) course of study in the region: Future upper secondary school leavers from Friesland and Wilhelmshaven were able to find out about career pathways on the Jade-Bay GmbH job buses.

Continuing education mastered: eight outstanding hygiene specialists

Four women and four men have now been recognised for continuing education in the NEW LIFE health academy.

Dual courses of study continue upwards trend

Over 100,000 students registered on the BIBB's AusbildungPlus database.

Next-generation tiling, screwing, hammering and wiring

Do-it-yourself beautiful murals: there was plenty to try out at the "skilled crafts day".

Rising demand for green skills training in Malaysia

In 2015, ahead of the United Nations Climate Conference in Paris, Malaysia pledged to cut carbon emissions intensity by 45 per cent by 2030. A key point in the plan was the pledge to conserve the Malaysian rainforest, which is one of the oldest in the world.

Attractive career path

Increasing numbers of young people are training in a skilled crafts business. 135,038 new training contracts were concluded this year. According to information from the Central Association of Skilled Crafts (ZDH), in the current year almost 4,000 more young people than in the previous year started their training in the skilled crafts.

Here even coffee farmers from Colombia learn how to harvest timber

In the Chiemgau Alps, the Bavarian State Forest teaches how to fell timber in a sustainable way. Despite modern tools, forestry occupations are still risky.

New pathways for young people entering the fire service

Dual training occupation: Direct entry for school leavers possible from 2018.